Youth unemployment

With our national unemployment rate sitting at an alarming 32.9% and over 4.8 million South African youth being unemployed, a less than favourable picture is painted for many individuals seeking gainful employment within our country. There are many socio-economic factors that contribute to these concerningly high percentages.

One of the biggest challenges we face in our country is an education and skills mismatch, with a large portion of the South African labour force not having the necessary education and skills required for many of the positions available within our job marketplace.

2023 statistics show that only 28.5% of South Africans aged 25-63 had a tertiary education. Statistics South Africa.

With sluggish economic growth, and a lack of resources and opportunities for youth wanting to pursue tertiary education, it’s essential that we as custodians within government, the private sector and non-profit space work together in finding sustainable solutions for the majority of young South Africans wanting to pursue tertiary study and skill development post high school.

The journey from education to employment is paved with challenges and obstacles. Career guidance, vocational training and educational enrichment services are not just beneficial—they are essential to the holistic development of our youth and the economic prosperity of our country.

youth unemployment

Skill development

Pokello Education and Training Solutions (NPC) is a non-profit company that believes in the transformative power of education and skill development within South Africa. We tailor and implement various CSI (Corporate Social Investment) and SED (Socio Economic Development) programmes in accordance with our corporate partner’s mandates.

We focus on reducing youth unemployment, creating tertiary study pathways and further employment opportunities for individuals, as well as supporting teachers with the necessary skills and competencies required for their own professional development and further academic enrichment within their classrooms.

As published through the Department of Higher Education and Training in April 2024, “28.7% of South African workers are under-qualified for the jobs they do (their highest educational attainment level is lower than the one usually required in the occupation they are employed in).” Notice 2414 of 2024.

Pokello’s educational and skill development programmes are tailored in serving our more disadvantaged communities within South Africa, creating potential opportunities for better-paying jobs, career advancement, and improved quality of life and economic independence for programme supported beneficiaries.

Looking at ‘South Africa’s 2024 National List of Occupations in High Demand’, data shows that there is a large portion of these sought after (under supplied) careers that require either an NQF level 3, 4, 5 or 6, all being non-degree bearing qualifications.

This ‘message’ forms an important part of our company ethos— creating greater opportunities for individuals outside of conventional career pathways, this considering a very large (and growing) informal trade sector within South Africa.

The significance of Pokello’s work is testament to the power of community and the importance of giving back. Small actions can make a big difference in the world, and education is a powerful tool for change.

Education should not just focus on learning, but also empowerment and transformation. “When you learn, teach, when you get, give.” – Maya Angelou.

Published On: November 25th, 2024Categories: Skill development2.6 min read

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